Welcome to my Website
Dr. med. Andreas Franczak

Welcome at my Website. I am a surgeon with an experience of many years as the Head of Surgery in the hospitals of "Diakonie South Westphalia" and consultant at the Department of Surgery of the University Hospital Bochum/ Germany.

Beside the speciality in the general surgery I possess the specialities of vascular surgery and visceral surgery. Additionally to the activity in my office, I am consultant in the private hospitals in Vienna. I invite you to inform yourself about the diseases treated and to visit me at my office.

Dr Franczak Profilbild - Chirurg Wien
Goldenes Kreuz

Private Practice

Private hospital Goldenes Kreuz

Lazarettgasse 16-18, 1090 Vienna

We offer treatment in following languages:

German | Englsh | French | Polish Spanish

The visceral surgery deals with the surgical therapy of diseases of the whole digestive tract. In addition belong to it: thyroid and parathyroid gland as well as abdominal wall hernias. In Austria and Germany the education in the visceral surgery is performed over several years in specialized centers after the completion of the training in the general surgery. Visceral surgeons dispose of special expert's skills in the surgical treatment of the mentioned organs particularly in their cancer diseases.

"I have seen a medicine. That's able to breathe life into a stone..."

William Shakespeare (All's Well That Ends Well)

Vascular surgery concerns the prevention, diagnostic and surgical as well as not surgical treatment of diseases of the human vessels, i.e. arteries and veins. In Austria and Germany the vascular surgeons in addition to the education in general surgery, have concluded an specialized training of several years in authorized vascular surgery departments. They are particularly experts in the surgical treatment of vessels occlusions and narrowing, aneurysms, varicose veins, thromboses and their complications.

Mensch ohne Auswahl
Leg veins
Leg artery
Arm veins
Carotid artery

Which organ is affected?

We look forward to your visit at our practice!


Erfolgreiche Gallenstein-OP

Nach mehreren schmerzhaften Gallenkoliken entschloss ich mich, meine Gallensteine entfernen zu lassen. Herr Dr. Franczak führte die Operation durch und ich fühlte mich von Anfang an in guten Händen. Die Nachsorge war ebenso erstklassig und ich hatte kaum Schmerzen nach der Operation. Jetzt, einige Monate später, bin ich völlig beschwerdefrei und dankbar für die hervorragende Betreuung

Von einem DocFinder Nutzer 

docfinder bewertungen chirurg wien 5stars-dr-franczak-2023

Beste Wahl bei Krampfadern

Als ich wegen meiner Krampfadern zu Dr. Franczak kam, war ich zunächst nervös. Doch seine ruhige und professionelle Art nahm mir schnell die Angst. Die Operation war ein voller Erfolg und meine Beine fühlen sich wieder leicht und schmerzfrei an. Vielen Dank für die großartige Betreuung!

Von einem DocFinder Nutzer
